Central Highlands Pharmacy


The Central Highlands Pharmacy is located centrally at Bothwell and services a geographical area of 80 kilometres in radius - from Miena, Arthurs Lake, Shannon, Waddamana, Interlaken, Hollow Tree, Hamilton, Ouse, Apsley, Melton Mowbray, Kempton, Dysart to Bagdad. The pharmacy provides a patient-centred professional pharmacy care service, where everyone consults and interacts with the pharmacists.

The pharmacy service includes prescriptions dispensed, medication advice & information, minor health ailment consultation, diabetes education consultations, Social, Mental & Medical Triaging, Medication Adherence Weekly Medicine Packing, Staged Supply Supervised Dosing, and dermatological compounding. Coming soon, many of the pharmacy's products and services shall be offered online, only to our geographical serviced area.

Central Highlands Pharmacy services a large area; therefore, to make life easier for you, we have a free prescription medicine delivery service whether you live at Interlaken, Miena, Melton Mowbray, Hamilton, Ouse, Kempton, or Bothwell. Conditions apply. See FREE delivery page for details.